Friday, September 4, 2009

GhostLand by Jory Strong

Another book that is part of my Uber Fiction Collection is Ghostland  by Jory Strong. This book is a beautifully written and erotic consuming story. The world as we know it today was detroyed; turned into a post-apocalyptic world where all supernaturals do not want to play hide, but seek and throughout the years many humans has perished, But only 1 women can change that. Aisling McConaughey. Taken away from her adoptive family from a farm. And sent to put her gift as a shameness/clairvoyant to use, but what she doesn't know will kill her. Aisling  is put to the task by an evil priest to find the source of this drug that allows people into the ghost realm where some experience sexual release or dies. This takes her into the hand of a sensual savage---- a demon Djinn; Prince Zurael en Caym. The Prince fall in lust than in love with Aisling instead of killing her, but that cost him dearly for falling in love with a supposed human(not). This Book is trully amazing.
A forbidden love between a Demon Prince and a Powerful Shameness. Angels who will no longer be what you thought them to be, but evil and hateful creatures.  A world where you would want to be the heroine and the two main characters has to choose between honor or a love that can last a life time. I most Definently Reccommend!!!!!.
Book 2 below is a continuation of Aisling McConaughey and her lover Djinn prince Zuraels Odyssey!. Where I believe she finds who she really is. Who is her mother and who is the poerful man whom holds her faith in the ghost realm they call her father!!!


Larissa Ione said...

Ooh, I can't wait to read this! :)

And I love your sidebar (the fact that you've got Ione and Croft books on there doesn't hurt! *g*)

Hope you're enjoying Wraith's book, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

Welcome to the Jean-Louis Reviews said...

Thanks. I finished it two days ago and I absolutely love it. Your an amazing writer and I love your writing style.

And I hope you enjoy Ghostland!!!

A book. To love one. To respect one. To favor one. This means that you are a lover of books indeed! Welcome!